Home Casualties Full List By Area Casualties with Wills Date Added Cemeteries Full List By Country Local Memorials Full Listing Forces Local Institutions Forgotten Heroes of Kilrea 1914-18 Queens University - WW1 Rainey Endowed Roll of Honour WW1 Rainey Endowed Roll of Honour WW2 They Didn't Come Home - Castledawson - WWI They Didn't Come Home - Castledawson - WWII Tobermore Book WW1 WJ Clark and Sons, Upperlands - WW1 WJ Clark and Sons, Upperlands - WW2 Dates of Interest On this day This month Updates January February More News About Us Enquiries Newsletter Acknowledgements Forums Ballymaguigan War Dead JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Google Maps. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. To view Google Maps, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, and then try again. ALL Ballymaguigan Bellaghy Castledawson Desertmartin Draperstown Gulladuff Kilrea Knockloughrim Lecumber Maghera Magherafelt Town Portglenone Swatragh Tobermore Toome Upperlands Valley No Sol No Rank Casualty Regiment Location War 1 11/25242 Pte. Booth, Andrew Thomas R Inn Fus Ballyriff, Loop WWI 2 Chief Eng Forbes, Frederick William Merc Mar Laurel Cottage, Woodschapel WWI 3 Chief Eng Forbes, Frederick William Merc Mar Woodschapel Church of Ireland WWI 4 3631 Pte. Fullerton, Robert R Scots Ballymaguigan area WWI 5 21087 Pte. Gilmour, James R Inn Fus Drumenagh, Ballyronan WWI 6 44468 Pte. Given, William N.Z.E.F. Ballymulderg Beg, Ballyronan WWI 7 18980 Pte. Hudson, Francis R Inn Fus Derrygarve, Castledawson WWI 8 2nd Lieut Lennox, Alfred James R Irish Rif Drumeenagh WWI 9 8067 Pte. Lennox, Charles Cam HighL Aughrim, Ballyronan WWI 10 18090 L/Corp Lennox, Francis John R Irish Rif Aughrim, Ballyronan WWI 11 192691 Pte. Leslie, Robert John Can Inf Derrygarve, Castledawson WWI 12 2536 Pte. McNally, Samuel R Inn Fus Ballymaguigan area WWI 13 17067 Pte. Richardson, Thomas John R Inn Fus Ballynagarve, Ballyronan WWI 14 17067 Pte. Richardson, Thomas John R Inn Fus Woodschapel Church of Ireland WWI 15 12291 Pte. Watterson, George Highl Lt Inf Aughrim, Ballyronan WWI 16 19892 Pte. Watterson, Marshall Highl Lt Inf Aughrim, Ballyronan WWI 17 139710 L/Corp Wilson, Humphrey Can Inf Ballymaguigan, Castledawson WWI 18 532066 Sgt. Fleck, George RAF Woodschapel Church of Ireland WWII 19 32541005 Pte. Harbison, Francis US Army Ballyneel More WWII 20 6977332 Fusilier McKeown, John Joseph R Inn Fus Ballymulderg Beg, Ballyronan WWII 21 2204122 Sgt. McLaughlin, Edward Colhoun RAF VR Woodschapel Church of Ireland WWII 22 IA/966 Maj Nangle, Gilbert William 7th Grk Rifle Woodschapel Church of Ireland WWII 23 1533637 Sgt. Tait, Alan John RAF VR Woodschapel Church of Ireland WWII