Hood Bn. R.N. Div, Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve (British Navy)
Date Of Birth:
04/02/1917 (Killed in Action)
William Purcell was the son of David and Sarah Purcell. William was born 9 August 1893. Belfast newspaper reports connect him to Toomebridge. William was living at 27 Hill Street, Anderston, Glasgow when he enlisted on 6th April 1915. He was working as a Tramway Conductor. Petty Officer William Purcell served on land in the Royal Naval Division, and was gassed in France in early November 1916.He contracted scabies and possibly pneumonia afterwards. Petty Officer William Purcell was serving with Hood Battalion, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve when he was reported as been killed in action in France on Sunday 4th February 1917.
The Thiepval Memorial will be found on the D73, next to the village of Thiepval, off the main Bapaume to Albert road (D929). Each year a major ceremony is held at the memorial on 1 July.