1st Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers (British Army)
Date Of Birth:
11/04/1917 (Killed in Action)
William John O'Neill was the eldest son of John and Ellen O誰eill. He was born on 21st January 1895 in Moyagall, Gulladuff, Knockloughrim. He was one of seven children. They were a farming family and lived in Dreenan, Knockloughrim. He enlisted under the names of James O誰eill. Private John James O誰eill was serving with the 1st Battalion of the Royal Irish Fusiliers when he was killed in action in France on Wednesday 11th April 1917.
Fampoux is a town in the Department of the Pas-de-Calais, on the north bank of the Scarpe, 6 kilometres east of Arras. The Cemetery is on the south-west side of the D42 road leading north-west from Fampoux to Point-du-Jour.